‘Hat And T-Shirt Game’
Rookie Diary With Will Shipley
PHILADELPHIA – The next week holds considerable significance for Will Shipley.
On Saturday, the rookie running back will have an opportunity to watch his former Clemson teammates take on Texas in the first round of the College Football Playoffs.
On Sunday, an Eagles win over the Commanders would crown Shipley and his teammates as NFC East champs.
And next week, Shipley will have family in town visiting from Charlotte to celebrate Christmas together. Shipley noted the strange feeling of longing for his loved ones during Thanksgiving, as he was apart from them for the holiday for the first time.
Shipley is also experiencing good fortune health-wise, a remarkable feat considering how deep into the NFL season he is compared to a truncated college schedule.
Common practice for late December, Shipley has relied on typical maintenance for maximum preservation and to finish out the regular season strong. It’s also worth noting that Shipley’s ready-at-a-moment’s-notice preparation – depending on how soon the seeding shakes out – could culminate in offensive snaps to close out the regular season.
Should things break his way, game reps would prove to be invaluable for his development. But first thing’s first: The Eagles must take care of business Sunday in Landover, Md., in a game that’s commonly referred to as a “hat and T-Shirt” game.
As part of an Inside The Birds “Rookie Diary” series, I’ll be checking in with Shipley throughout the season, learning more about the first-year running back and chronicling his rookie campaign.
On Friday, we chatted for our 13th installment.

GETTY IMAGES: Eagles rookie RB Will Shipley has his eyes on helping the Birds win an NFC East title.
Andrew: How was your week of preparation?
Will: “It was great. Weather was good here in Philly, so I was definitely appreciative of that. But, you know, just getting after it with the guys. I feel like we’ve come up with a really good plan and just gotta go out there and execute like every week.”
Andrew: What’s been the messaging this week? You and I chatted yesterday, and you’d mentioned “hat and T-shirt” game…
Will: “I think, at the end of the day, it’s just another week of preparation. It’s the first team that we’ve seen twice; we were successful against them the first time around. But, like we talked about yesterday, it’s a hat and T-shirt game. You know, one in which we can accomplish something that we set out to do at the beginning of the season – if we’re successful in it.
“So, not putting too much thought towards that, but also understanding it in the back of your head and just treating it like any other week, in terms of how you put towards your preparation and getting ready, and just what it takes to win.”
Andrew: One thing you can’t help but notice is the close-knit vibe and everyone seems to be solely focused on the task at hand. What are your impressions of how Coach Sirianni has established that kind of culture?
Will: “I think one of the things that [Sirianni] does really, really great is setting the standards early on. I’m obviously just a rookie, but coming in here, I could kind of feel the standards being set. And if you drop below that, he’s not afraid to call you out and hold you accountable – just like he’s not afraid to hold himself accountable for the same stuff. So, I think that’s what he does such a great job at, is not putting himself above anybody else and just setting standards organization-wide that everybody has to follow, whether you’re a player or staff member – whatever you are. And that’s where it starts; from the top down.”
Andrew: This late into your rookie season, how are you feeling physically?
Will: “I’m feeling great. Feeling really good. You know, I’ve had a couple hiccups just like any other football season, but nothing big. Stuff that I’m bouncing back really well from. And feeling really good going into Week 16. So, just gotta keep it up.”
Andrew: Have you had to do any sort of maintenance to make up for the wear-and-tear throughout the season?
Will: “Yeah, definitely. Just get in the training room, if I had a little hiccup on Sunday. Just get in the training room the following week to get ready for the next Sunday. But like I said, been very blessed to be physically and mentally stable throughout the season. Consistent so far. So, just gotta keep that up these last three weeks of regular season and then all the way through February 9th.”
Andrew: You didn’t have a ton of opportunities on special teams, but it looked like you had a nice block on Kenny’s return. How would you assess the performance last week?
Will: “I thought it was good. Pittsburgh is known for their punt return team and how well they rush; their punt returner, how well he’s been doing. So, we only got one opportunity – like you mentioned – but I feel like we made the most of it. We were quick to get out, and made sure that our protection was really solid. Got down there, and he actually ended up not even catching it.
“We weren’t able to flip the field as well as we would have wanted to, but in terms of protecting Braden [Mann] and making sure that they didn’t get a block or anything of that nature was good. And had a couple chances to return; thought we did a good job getting it past the 30.
“In terms of kickoff coverage, when you’re going against a veteran like Cordarrelle Patterson, it’s a big task. There’s no doubt about it. And that joker’s a little bigger in person, I’ll tell you that much. [Laughs] You watch him on film all week and it’s different, for sure. But feel like we did a good job of hemming him up and setting a new line of scrimmage. All stuff that Coach Clay is preaching to us throughout the week. So, yeah, feel like we did a good job – not great – and definitely still have areas to improve.”
Andrew: How about for you personally? I know you’d said your goal going into last week was improve on kickoff coverage. How do you feel you did?
Will: “I think my situation kind of moved pretty quickly. With Sydney [Brown] getting injured on the first kickoff, we kind of switched up our philosophy, especially over there on that left side. I have to do a better job of being able to adjust and adapt to whatever I’m asked of. Which is something I take a lot of accountability in.
“If I had to grade myself, I’d probably say a C-, C+ … I was average. I didn’t make any plays; didn’t allow any plays to be made. But just didn’t stand out in the stat sheet. Didn’t do anything that was up to my standard. So, definitely have improvements to be made, as well.”
Andrew: Where do you guys feel you stand right now as a special teams unit?
Will: “We’re confident that we’re the best there is. Whether we go out there and show it every week is up to us. We’re as physical as they come. So, we just gotta continue to go out there, do what Coach Clay asks us to do, get the job done, be physical, and just make people remember us.
“That’s kinda been one of our messages all year long is after a game. We want people to look back and say, ‘Damn, they really brought it.’ Whether it’s being physical, bringing the energy. Just making them remember us. So, we gotta continue to do that, continue to step up to the plate and do well.”
Andrew: I’ve been asked this a few times, and you aren’t back there during practice, but do you have any experience returning punts and have you been approached to be a potential punt returner?
Will: “I think I only caught one punt in a real game in college, but I did it all three years. So, definitely something that I’m comfortable with, being back there. With our philosophy, we got a guy like [Britain] Covey. Coop[er DeJean] has really stepped up to the plate and done a great job. Ainias Smith is a great punt returner as well. So, they haven’t really asked me to do much; I’ve gone back there and shown them that I can catch ’em a couple times in practice. But until my number’s called, I’m good with KOR and hemming those guys up so that our boys in the back returning can get some good yardage.”
Andrew: You and the running backs have anything planned for the holiday?
Will: “I was talking to the guys today. We’re gonna try and get us together for a little steak dinner, bring the fiancee/girlfriend/whatever-you-got. So, we’re gonna do that, I think it’s probably gonna be after Christmas because everyone’s got family and stuff coming in. But we’re planning that, getting ready to do something of that nature.”
Andrew: How will you be spending your Christmas?
Will: “My family’s coming in from Charlotte, N.C. So, it’s gonna be really fun. I wasn’t able to see them over Thanksgiving, which is the first time in my whole life, really, that that’s happened. So, it’s gonna be really good to be able to spend some time with them and love on ’em. I’m a big gift-giver, that’s how I show my love – especially to the people closest to me. So, it’s nice.
“It’s the first year where I’ve been like, ‘I got money to actually buy the gifts that I want to spend on my people.’ So, I’m excited for me to be able to give those gifts, and I know they’ll have some for me, too, which is always fun. But my mom, my dad and my brother are coming into town on Christmas Eve. And my fiancee will be here, as well; she’s headed home the day after Christmas, so I’ll get to spend the day with her, which is gonna be awesome, as well.
“We were joking around the other day; her last Christmas as a Yates before she becomes a Shipley in June…”
Andrew: That’s right! You said June 21st.
Will: “Yep, June 21 for the wedding. We’re so excited about that. You know, it’s just little stuff like that that you don’t realize makes such a big difference until you don’t have. When you’re sitting by yourself on the couch on Thanksgiving, it’s like, ‘Ah, I really miss my people.’ So, it’s gonna be really good to have ’em.”
Andrew: I asked you this back in September, but fast-forward to now … where do you feel you’ve made the biggest strides in your game?
Will: “I would say just being physical, especially with my hands. It’s something I really didn’t have to do in college, in terms of special teams, learning hand-fighting and being physical. When we were passing the ball, I was out of routes very often. I didn’t have many pass protection reps in college – or definitely not as many as I would have liked to have knowing what it takes here in the NFL – which is why I’m just continuing to push and get better at that.
“But all these special teams reps that I’m getting, being the P.P. on punt, having to go down and make tackles, shed blocks and do all that stuff, it’s helping tenfold in terms of being a running back and being physical and just as a football player overall. If I had to pick out one of my biggest improvements this year, it’s definitely that.”
Andrew: Last one. What’s one thing you’re working on this week for Sunday?
Will: “I think KOR, we got some big opportunities. It’s gonna feel real cold out there. And Washington keeps it in, usually. They got a lot of trust in their guys to cover – and they got some dogs covering the football. So, I think we got a really big opportunity on kickoff return this week. And would love for the ball to come my way and be able to make a couple plays there.”
– Andrew DiCecco (@AndrewDiCecco) is a Staff Reporter/Content Producer for InsideTheBirds.com.
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